Monday, February 4, 2008

Posting 2

My autobiography:

In 1996, I was born on 8 February along with my twin sister, Angeline. The next year, I started to crawl and grab things in my own without anyone's help. My mother also read to me stories and taught me how to recognise alphabets. When I was two years old, I started to read sentences aloud and I also started to walk. In 1999, I could talk in full sentences and I also developed a liking to music after my mother bought some songs for me to hear.

When I was four years old, I started to learn how to play the piaono at Yamaha. There my teachers taught me how to sing songs and to play the piano. The next year, I went to K1 with Angeline and as it was my first time going to school and my parents were not by my side, Iwas quite scared but soon I had made good friends.

In 2002 I went to K2 in Maris Stella and my class was called : Tulip. I went to meet the principal there and when I went home to look at my pictures I realised that the principal knew me since I was a baby. Angeline and I made many good friends and we enjoyed going to school. I still rembered that my favourute time of the day was when my teacher brought us top the playground to play and I loved to play in the sand pit with my friends.

The next year, I started to go to Henry park Primary School and I entered P1 with Angeline.
When I was 8 years old, I got into 2B. I made new friends in the class as well as from the other classes. In 2005, I went into 3B and I got second in class and best in English. That was my first award since I went to Primary school so I was quite excited and nervous especially when I went on stage to receive my certificate.

In 2006, I went into 4A and made more new friends but I was quite sad because Angeline went into 4C. In that year, I learnt a new subject- Science. I also got my first model pupil badge!

In 2007, I went into 5B, the same class as Angeline. In that same year, I went to China for the Exchange Programme and entered a competition with a few students from our school aand we won Champions!

In 2008, I went to 6I swith Angeline. Yeah! My form teacher was Minnie Yit . This year I am going to take PSLE and I am studying very hard!

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